Maths-Whizz® Teachers' Resource - for schools
A comprehensive resource for schools and private maths tutors, it is suitable for whole class, small group, or individual tuition. Available for years 3 to 6, the complete primary age range will be available shortly.
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available on cdfor schools and teachersfor home users

Maths-Whizz® - for home users
A new mathematics teaching concept, Maths-Whizz® for home users’ continuous online assessment offers a truly personalised tutoring system. Maths-Whizz® helps the student to develop a thorough understanding of mathematics at their own pace, leading to better exam results. Parents can subscribe for a small monthly fee.

available onlinefor schools and teachersfor home users

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 available on cdcd   |  available online online   |  for schools and teachers for schools and teachers | for home users for home users.